Oś czasu

Oś czasu ADIM

Tromsø project meeting and research seminar

We met with our team at the University of Tromsø and gave 10 exciting presentations on third language acquisition and the influence of previous languages…Czytaj dalej

Spotkanie z uczniami z Polski

We had the pleasure of hosting a group of students from Szkoła im. J Słowackiego at UiT Norges arktiske universitet, and it turned out to…Czytaj dalej

Prezentacja na konferencji w Lund

Dr Karolina Rataj and dr Hanna Kędzierska presented a paper at the Neurolinguistics in Sweden (2023) conference which took place between 1-2 June 2023 at…Czytaj dalej

XXVI Poznański Festiwal Nauki i Sztuki

Prof Magdalena Wrembel, dr Tristan Czarnecki-Verner, and dr Kamil Malarski gave a talk “Exploring Linguistic Diversity in Sounds of the World’s Languages”  at the XXVI Poznański Festiwal Nauki i…Czytaj dalej

Interview for “Życie Uniwersyteckie”

Prof. Magdalena Wrembel, Dr. Karolina Rataj and Dr. Hanna Kedzierska gave an interview to the magazine “Życie Uniwersyteckie (“University Life”) in Poznań. They talked about…Czytaj dalej

Outreach talk at LO Marynka

‘To be or not to be multilingual?’ – this was the question posed by UAM Professor Magdalena Wrembel, PhD, to the students of St. Mary…Czytaj dalej


Prof. Magdalena Wrembel (AMU) and Dr. Marta Velnic (NTNU) gave guest lectures on third language acquisition in the Department of Linguistics and Scandinavian Studies UiO.…Czytaj dalej

Morsmålsdagen 2023: Møter mellom polsk og norsk: Språkforskere forteller

As part of Mother Tongue Day 2023, we presented our research alongside other groups working on Polish and Norwegian. Our presentations were as follows: Kamil…Czytaj dalej

Zbieranie danych w Tromsø

In January and February 2023, Dr. Hanna Kędzierska and Dr. Chloe Castle were collecting EEG data and speech production data for studies 1 and 2,…Czytaj dalej

Research visit to UiT Tromsø

Wizyta badawcza prof. Magdaleny Wrembel w UiT Tromsø (połączona ze zbieraniem danych) odbyła się w dniach 17-20 stycznia 2023 r.

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